I'm having a problem with Extensions "
ActiveDirectory_05.00.05_Install " with the version of DNN 7.2.1 .
What happens?
After installing and configuring the Extensions "
ActiveDirectory_05.00.05_Install " apparently seems to be working
normally, but when the domain user after opening the page of DNN doing
automatic login and the user then logoff , the DNN begins to have a strange
behavior. If the user tries to login to your account in DNN Domain returns the
following error :
" A critical error has occurred . An unexpected error
has occurred "
AssemblyVersion : 7.2.1
PortalID : 0
PortalName : My Website
UserID : -1
UserName :
ActiveTabID : 56
ActiveTabName : Home
RawUrl :/ Login ? ReturnUrl = % 2f
AbsoluteURL :/ Default.aspx
AbsoluteURLReferrer : http://localhost/Login?returnurl = %
UserAgent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3 ; WOW64 ;
Trident/7.0 ; rv : 11.0 ) like Gecko
DefaultDataProvider : DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider ,
ExceptionGUID : 1bc077fd - 97ed - 48d0 - 82aa - d798d3430b28
InnerException : This Membership Provider has not been
configured to support password retrieval .
FileName :
FileLineNumber : 0
FileColumnNumber : 0
Method :
StackTrace :
message :
DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException : This
Membership Provider has not been configured to support password retrieval .
---> System.NotSupportedException : This Membership Provider has not been
configured to support password retrieval .
at System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.GetPassword
( String username , String passwordAnswer )
( UserInfo objUser , ADUserInfo objAuthUser , UserLoginStatus & loginStatus
, String ipAddress )
( String userName , String strPassword , UserLoginStatus & loginStatus ,
String ipAddress )
at ( Object sender , EventArgs e)
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.RaisePostBackEvent ( String eventArgument
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain (
Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint , Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint )
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Server Name : dnn -test
Well now for the problem of the Domain environment!
The domain Active Directory is very old company ,
established in 1999 and since that year the OS has been updated normally, but
the domain was created as "Single - Label " and this environment is a
forest of considerable size , example :
Domain à
Subdomain à
child1.company , child2.company, child3.company, child4.company, child5.company,
child6.company, child7.company .... child15.company
I created a test domain to fqdn (company.local ) to verify
if it was a problem with Extensions, and testing the environment functioned
If my Sigle - Label environment is not supported, how can I
work around this? Can anyone help me?