Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sebastian! That was exactly the "shot in the arm" that I needed!
I checked the PortalDesktopModules table, and sure enough, no record existed for the Registration module. How is it that I've been working with DNN all of these years, and I've never noticed the PortalDesktopModules table before?!!
Anyway, in case anyone else experiences the same symptom, here's the solution that worked for me.
Gather the necessary information required to create the record in the PortalDesktopModules table:
- What's your PortalID? In my case, it was 0.
- What's your UserID? In my case, it was 25552.
- What's the DesktopModuleID for the registration module?
- Run the following query to find out: SELECT DesktopModuleID FROM DBName.dbo.DesktopModules WHERE FriendlyName = 'Account Registration'
- In my case, DesktopModuleID = 199
Next, build and run the following T-SQL INSERT statement to create the missing record in the PortalDesktopModules table:
- INSERT INTO DBNAME.dbo.PortalDesktopModules (PortalID, DesktopModuleID, CreatedByUSerID, CreatedOnDate, LastModifiedByUserID, LastModifiedOnDate)
Values (0, 199, 25552, GetDate(), 25552, GetDate())
At this point, the "Account Registration" module should now be available in the Modules drop down list.
I got a little ahead of myself, though. Before going through the shenanigans above, you'll want to test and see if your portal has a record for the "Account Registration" module in the PortalDesktopModules. To do so, run the following query. If it returns a row, the record exists. You'll need to determine your PortalID , first.
SELECT PDM.PortalDesktopModuleID
FROM DBName.dbo.DesktopModules AS DM
INNER JOIN DBName.dbo.PortalDesktopModules AS PDM
ON DM.DesktopModuleID = PDM.DesktopModuleID
WHERE (DM.FriendlyName = 'Account Registration') and (PortalID = 0)
Thanks again, Sebastian! I owe you a brewski at the next DNN event!
See Ya!