Hello, I've got a litletime to look at the new core gallery/forum/blog set. The forum's strings for 'Statistics' and 'What's New' are in a very odd place. I've got the module placed into a fairly narrow content pane, and it looks like the html is scrunching the strings into odd positions. Everything else seems to flow properly at different sizes.
Whoa, scratch that, the 'Forum Search' page is huge! And so is 'User Settings'.
On the 'Moderate' page the 'Posts To Moderate' string is positioned oddly.
'Forum Configuration' is way too big also. Looks like there's a genral issue on many of the forms whereby the html is probably set to a fixed size. My pane is fairly narrow, but if any of them work, they should all work.
DNN 3.1.0, Forum 03.10.01, my pane is 540 wide, Module Container=not specified, though I have changed it, and it doesn't matter.
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this type of thing, just thought someone should know.
And is there a release time table available anywhere? I'd seen several conflicting posts about the forum and gallery modules and release dates that are coming up soon. I could deploy the forum now, but would rather wait if a new version is out soon. The Gallery, it's not close to ready, guess that's why it's listed as a beta.
And, I don't intend to sound negative. These tools have tremendous potential. In fact, the historical lack of a suitable forum has kept me away from DNN from its inception. When I found there was a forum coming I took another look. I'll soon be moving all of my sites from another IBS mod that we created a few years ago in-house. So, thanks for all the hard work!