I have installed OliverHine.EnhancedPermissionProvider.install.v00.00.16.00 in DNN 7.0.2 version.
After Installing the extension,it has added theses linesin my web.config
1. <permissions defaultProvider="EnhancedPermissionProvider">
<clear />
<add name="EnhancedPermissionProvider" type="OliverHine.Provider.EnhancedPermissions.Implementation, OliverHine.Provider.EnhancedPermissions" providerPath="~\Providers\PermissionProviders\EnhancedPermissionProvider\" />
and deleted these
2. <permissions defaultProvider="CorePermissionProvider">
<clear />
<add name="CorePermissionProvider" type="DotNetNuke.Security.Permissions.CorePermissionProvider, DotNetNuke" providerPath="~\Providers\PermissionProviders\CorePermissionProvider\" />
This has added approval workflow in my website, but now i am unable to Add,copy delete import and export pages using Administrator and rest other accounts like Editor and Approver except the Super User account.This shows "You do not have access to view this module with in the website"
If i comment the added lines in the web.config file than Administrator account is working as expected that is i am able to add,edit,delete,import and export pages.
but now in editor and approver account does not even show the tabs for Add,Edit,Import,Export and Delete page and not even i can edit the content of any module.
Any idea how to resolve this?