I am trying to build a module which will have multiple views, but I am having trouble navigating from one view to the other. I am using the standard View.ascx as well as SecondView.ascx. I have both controls registered, with SecondView having a Control Key of simply "SV". I have a link in View that when clicked I would like it to navigate to SecondView and keep all other modules on the page.
Now, I can get simple navigation working using:
NavigateURL(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID, "SV", "mid=" + ModuleId.ToString )
However, it loads with the host/edit skin and not the same skin for the View page, and it removes all other modules from the page. Also, I have tried the following which return the same skin, but do not load the SecondView at all, just a blank page:
NavigateURL(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID, "SV")
So, my question(s) are:
- Is there a way to Navigate to the SecondView while retaining the same skin and all other modules on the page?
- Is there a way when I add the control to a page that I can specify which view I want to show by default?
Also: I have checked Michael Washington's site and looked at his page on Module Navigation Options.