Page permissions checkbox operate together view Page nad Edit Page.
Prior to further actions site upgrade d to 7.3.3, was prior release version.
The site is probably from DNN3 or 4. I suspect that its legacy is an issue here.
For a page click on Edit Page and Page Permissions.
Click on the Permissions tab
In the table click on the checkbox corresponding to All Users/View Page. The same entry will be given to the checkbox alongside: All Users/Edit Page. so if checkboxes empty, click on one to show a tick, the other does the same.
Works either way around.
For a page which has been newly created its not possible to set it viewable without allowing the world to edit its content.
Approaching the configuration from the page admin gives the same results.
Actions taken
Following actions taken without success
Thinking that the issue was a legacy item which hadn't been overwritten during the recent updates I copied files/directories from a working website.
I thought that it was a JQuery issue - an older version. Details from host settings are:
Following this change I tried a different browser and <SHIFT> browser refresh to ensure not using previous cached files.
Looking at the items on the pop-up shows the table to be a part of dnn_ctr_ManageTabs_permissionRow
I copied across from a working website the directory
Pursuing this further I subsequently copied other 'system' directories across from the good site:
At relevant points have edit the web.config file.
I think this is something which hasn't been updated and is historic. Interested to see suggestions/ideas to resolve this