Hi all, I have a query which is getting to me. I have created a custom skin, on the home page of my skin that tidies up the location of the search module and the login screen module.
$('#dnn_ContentPane > .DnnModule-SearchResults ').css("margin-left", "auto").css("margin-right", "auto").css("margin-top", "10%").css("padding-bottom", "20px").css("max-width", "60%");
$('#dnn_ContentPane > .DnnModule--1 ').css("margin-left", "auto").css("margin-right", "auto").css("margin-top", "10%").css("padding-bottom", "20px").css("max-width", "40%");
it all works fine and dandy if i am logged in as a host, but as soon as i log out it does not work. I'm guessing I need to register the jquery in a <dnn:DnnJsInclude runat="server"></dnn:DnnJsInclude> tag which refers to a shared area.
I originally pointed it to "~/portals/skins/mymodule/js/jquery.js" but this does not work, please help