Hi Guys,
Newbie DNN user here, we have a 7.3.2 site delivered by a third party on our QA system and want to transfer the changes we've made onto our Production server, which is a clone of the QA server from a few months back with various SiteAlias and Url Rewrite configurations in it that we want to preserve. We very much want to just copy over page content and modules, without touching the rest of the installation. So, a full SQL database dump and import into the target server seems too heavy handed.
We'd like to use Export Site Template and then import that into the production server, but we can't find the Export Site Template button.
According to the super user manual at http://www.dnnsoftware.com/Portals/0/DnnManuals/DNN_Platform_7_2_2_Super_User_Manual.pdf it should be under Host > Site Management, but this page only gives us a simple table listing our site, and an 'Add New Site' button, with no Export button. We are logged on as 'host' who we think has Administrator, Registered Users and Subscribers roles ('host' is not visible in the Users page, in fact no users are listed there, but the Roles page says there is 1 user with each of those roles so we figure it must be 'host').
Can you help us find or enable the Export Site Template feature? It's really killing us.