Thanks for the reply Cathal.
I tried that and it didn't seem to change anything. (along with a hundred other things) I'm almost to the point of just rewriting the whole thing and doing away with the web services and ajax/json but would like to keep it this way if possible.
The whole page is pretty much one big javascript function. The aspx page only has a couple html css classes that get populated from the ajax and json calls in the js. In fact, the button that executes the script shown above (via onclick) doesn't even exist until the javascript has populated the page. Is there a way to "pre" populate the ServicesFramework to insure it's available when the other functions are called?
I'm still confused as to why it works perfectly from a desktop browser but fails on mobile. I've tried several phones and several browsers.
If you have the time to take a quick look at the code I'd really appreciate it. As I said, I did try wrapping the whole code block in a document ready function but it didn't seem to help. If you view the page source, the code is all right there in js with nothing in the code behind page. The webservices are called via ajax and json and are ran against DAL2 on the server side.
here's a link:
You'll notice from the code that you will need to register to see the "Add New Yardsale" button as well as edit buttons on any previously entered Yard Sales. Feel free to register if you feel like going that far.
Keep in mind this is all fast protoyped, I wanted to make sure it all worked before going back in and cleaning everything up. ;) (css is a mess, calls need to be cleaned up a little, etc.)
Thanks again for your input.
Kind regards,