I set up a test portal on the same DNN installation using the default portal template:
I checked both "SSL Enabled" and "SSL Enforced" in Admin/site Settings/advanced Settings/SSL Settings.
I created a page "test page" and checked the "Secure" box in the page settings.
The Reset Password button is working from the Login pop-up.
However, I notice that the link on the button is :
https://<my domain>/test-portal/Home/ctl/SendPassword?returnurl=%2ftest-portal%2fTest-page
Why on my other Portal am I seeing /Advanced-Settings/ctl/SendPassword ?
l think I may have the answer:
On my other Portal I had redirected the Home page to an internal page. This portal is to provide a singe page for online booking. As it accepts credit card payments, I had to make it SSL only.
I wanted the URL to be <my domain>/<portal-name>/online-booking, but to prevent curious people trying to access <my-domain>/<portal name>/ I set the Home page to be a link to the online-booking page.
I have recreated this scenario in the test portal, but the reset button still works (and still links to https://<my domain>/test-portal/Home/ctl/SendPassword?returnurl=%2ftest-portal%2fTest-page )
But on my original portal, I have fixed the problem:
1) I created a page "New home".
2) I set it to redirect to the online-booking page.
3) I then set it to be the site Home page.
From my online-booking page I click on the login button and the link on the Reset Password button is now: https://<my domain>/<portal name>/New-Home/ctl/SendPassword?returnurl=https://<my domain>/<portal name>/ .
This Reset Password link works correctly.
There is still something weird on my original Portal preventing me from deleting the original Home page.
On the Page Management page, I see I have the following pages on my Portal:
You can see there is no longer a link on the page called Home.
When I click on the page called Home, I see this:
However, when I right click and select Page Settings, I am shown the Page Settings for the online booking page:
Similarly, when I right click and select View Page, I am shown the online-booking page.
So, now I am scared to delete the Home page in case my online-booking page gets deleted!