I have a big problem when installing DNN 9 on the web hotel I'm using:
I enter the correct information on the first page. The installation process then verifies the data base connection and the installation process starts.
After 18 secs I receive the following errmsg:
"Error: the given path's format is not supported" and the installation stops. It's in the data base confiruration (the 2nd step).
Here is what I've done to troubleshoot:
Before stoping, the instalation manage to write the connection string to web.config. I have used the same string on the same site to get in touch with the db with some own made test ASP.NET pages outside DNN and they where able to read data as well as create and delete tables.
I have also tried with DNN 8 and DNN 7, with the same errmsg.
In the DNN directory, I have granted every one full access to all directories and files, so this is not the same problem as I found here in another thred.
I have done at least 12 tries — all with the same error message att the same point.
And I'm not new to DNN. I think that I have done more than 80 sucessful instalations.
But now I'm completely stuck.
The hotell is running MSSQL 2012 and .NET 4.5, so there is not where the problem is.
Any suggestions will be more than appreciated.
Stockholm, Europe