Thanks for the advice. I have modified the manifest file accordingly, but the problem persists. I have tried to add the new component at the bottom of the components node, in the middle and now at the top (it shouldn't make a difference, should it?). I have tried to add back as a file component, nothing made a difference. I have tried to check the contents of the Install\temp folder, and I can see that a folder is created, but it disappears in a flash, no time to check the content of the folder.
This is my new manifest file:
<dotnetnuke type="Package" version="5.0">
<package name="SchoolAdministration" type="Module" version="00.00.01">
<friendlyName>Academic Years</friendlyName>
<description> SchoolAdministration module</description>
<name>Marc Vanhemelryck</name>
<license src="License.txt"></license>
<releaseNotes src="ReleaseNotes.txt"></releaseNotes>
<dependency type="CoreVersion">09.01.01</dependency>
<component type="ResourceFile">
<component type="Script">
<script type="Install">
<script type="UnInstall">
<component type="Module">
<businessControllerClass>khmersupport.Modules.SchoolAdministration.Components.FeatureController, SchoolAdministration</businessControllerClass>
<supportedFeatures />
<friendlyName>Academic Years</friendlyName>
<definitionName>Academic Years</definitionName>
<controlKey />
<controlTitle />
<iconFile />
<helpUrl />
<controlTitle>Edit Content</controlTitle>
<iconFile />
<helpUrl />
<controlTitle>SchoolAdministration Settings</controlTitle>
<iconFile />
<helpUrl />
<processorType>DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.EventMessageProcessor, DotNetNuke</processorType>
<businessControllerClass>khmersupport.Modules.SchoolAdministration.Components.FeatureController, SchoolAdministration</businessControllerClass>
<component type="File">
This is the logfile:
StartJob Reading files
Info File khmersupport.SchoolAdministration.dnn read successfully
Info File License.txt read successfully
Info File ReleaseNotes.txt read successfully
Info File read successfully
Info File bin\SchoolAdministration.dll read successfully
Info File Providers/DataProviders/SqlDataProvider\00.00.01.SqlDataProvider read successfully
Info File Providers/DataProviders/SqlDataProvider\Uninstall.SqlDataProvider read successfully
EndJob Reading files done.
StartJob Reading Installation Manifest file
Info Reading Package Manifest - Module - SchoolAdministration
Info Reading Component Manifest - ResourceFile
Info Found valid path () for
Info Found valid path () for
Info Reading Component Manifest - Script
Info Found valid path (Providers\DataProviders\SqlDataProvider) for 00.00.01.SqlDataProvider.
Info Found valid path (Providers\DataProviders\SqlDataProvider) for Uninstall.SqlDataProvider.
Info Reading Component Manifest - Module
Info Module Manifest read successfully
Info Reading Component Manifest - File
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\App_LocalResources\AcademicYearsEdit.ascx.resx
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\App_LocalResources\AcademicYearsSettings.ascx.resx
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\App_LocalResources\AcademicYearsView.ascx.resx
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\Documentation\Documentation.css
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\Documentation\Documentation.html
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\js\tools.js
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\js\images\calendar.png
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\AcademicYearsEdit.ascx
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\AcademicYearsSettings.ascx
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\AcademicYearsView.ascx
Info Found valid path () for License.txt.
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - D:\development\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\Temp\kqkvczou\module.css
Info Found valid path () for ReleaseNotes.txt.
When the contents of is unzipped and dumped in the main zip file, installation proceeds normally without errors and I can use the new module.
Any other suggestions?