In Platform v. 8x when you try to use the link manager in the editor to link to a page on the site, it allows you to browse your pages just fine. However, when you find the page and have 'relative' selected as the option at the bottom of the window, after you select the page the absolute (full) link to the page is pulled into the site, not the referenced link.
What I Want: /directory/page-name
What I Get:
To make this a reference link, you then have to manually delete the "" from the link text to ensure that you're linking properly.
This is mostly an issue when building new sites given that we are using a development URL ( and don't want to have the domain included as part of the links.
I thought this was an issue with the Mandeeps Live HTML module that we were using, but upon their investigation they indicated it's a native issue with the DNN Editor.
Thank you,