PortVista wrote
Play with your app pool settings. A firewall script sounds like a hack. What happens is your entire app is restarting when just 1 user hits the default threshold, causing all your users to time-out and wait for the next round. This is why it would take 5-20 minutes. You can adjust these thresholds.
Uh oh, somebody doesn't know my history :)
My app pool never cycles itself. It never remotely gets that far. It basically crashes on its own. The cause of the crash is unknown (I wish we could find it), so basically I need a way to recover my site as fast as possible. My site gets a lot of traffic and is pretty large. As far as I can tell, I have the largest DNN site that exists. Anyway, when IIS loads initially, it starts up the app pool which normally takes 30-45 seconds or so. However, if people try to hit the site during that initial load, IIS tosses them into a que and makes them wait. The problem is the larger the que, the longer it takes for IIS to start up the app pool. I've seen que's of 25,000 seperate people hitting my site in just 5 seconds after IIS resets, resulting in IIS taking ~25 minutes to load.
A quick fix would be to enable a firewall to block requests to IIS for ~45 seconds or so while IIS does its initial load.
Dig? :)