vveena wrote2. What does the following mean?
Accessing Global Catalog:
Checking Root Domain:
Accessing LDAP:
Access all domains in the network:
Could not access LDAP to obtain domain entries
Hi Vveena, I'm not Tam, but I will try to help you regarding your pretty rush question.
The problem is in your IIS permissions for dnn site. So open IIS, right
click on dnn site and choose Directory Security tab. In it, select Edit
in Anonymus Access and Authentication Control. Under Anonymus Access
write the user name who has wright to access (at least read) the
infos from AD (form must be
domain_name\user_name). Write password as well and make sure Integrated windows authentication check box is checked.
Now find (you are still in IIS) file Logon.aspx (it is it
DesktopModules/Authentication subfolder) and check the permissions for
it (the same as described before) but now desable Anonymus Access and
again make sure Integrated windows authentication check box is checked.
And finally, if you are using XP as web server, open your web.config file and remove comment marks (uncomment) for line
<identity impersonate="true"/>
That's all. It should work now. There will bi no more errors like you
mentioned in your post. BTW, Tam's module works realy fine on DNN3.1.1
as well as DNN3.1. I'm running it on XP and on WinServer 2003 with many
other modules. No problem at all. Maybe, we have luck but we read the
documentations very carefully several times before using the module.
Documentations could be better, but what could we do (except to
help Tam). We are looking forward to AD module and DNN3.2.
Hope that helped. Regards, Nenad