argh - trying to upload files in the gallery - isn't going so well.
I have an 11mb zip file i'm trying to upload. It only has about 20 images in it - all resized to aprox 1280x960.
In order to get the 11mb zipfile to upload, I had to hack at the httpRuntime section in the web.config, but I figured I would only need to change the maxRequestLength and the executionTimeout...
anyway, I have both of those set sufficiently high to allow for the upload... requestLengthDiskThreshold I left alone, because that __SHOULD__ just be how much to buffer in memory before transparently spooling it to disk, right?
Well regardless, if I don't have THAT LAST ONE set sufficently high to allow the entire 11mb file to be buffered in RAM, the file ends up being zero bytes, and an exception shows up in the logs indicating that the zip file couldn't be understood (EOF in header, because its a zero byte file!)
Now - this could be an issue with DNN that it __HAS__ to have those two set the same... I don't know... one would think that DNN would be able to work w/i the framework to allow the transparent spooling to disk of posts/requests over a certain size... oh well...
any ideas?