donker wrote
I will not even consider proprietary solutions. I am very upset by the fact that I have clients that will be stuck once the core finally starts implementing ML because they're building on none core additions. It is just very unfortunate that Erik decided to move ahead and throw this in the market, although I can see that the core team has been much much too late to move on this issue and still does not move.
you stated in your first post, that you need a solution soon. So did other developers a couple of month ago and enhanced the core with the features they needed. Imho this is one of the basic principles of open source - to add functions and present the solutions. I am glad, ErikVB did this as I use his solution for our community service site DeutschNetNuke = DotNetNuke auf Deutsch, which would have been much more difficult without ML modules. I agree with you, that it would be preferable to have a core solution for content localization, this would have avoided the current situation with 3 framework localization solutions (from ErikVB, Locopon and Germans) and at least four approaches for ML modules (from same 3 and Bo)*. Fortunately the solutions of ErikVB, Locopon and Bo do not interfere, I use them in the same portal without problems, did not try Germans' yet.
I am not happy with this situation though, as I would have preferred an earlier solution by the core team - or at least a concept for this as I demanded from the core team shortly after the first beta of DNN 3.0 came out in 2004. But now we have to shut the stable door, after the horse has bolted. We should take the time, to find the best solution for content localization, there are promising starting points, that have to be collected and formed into a concept, so we hopefully get fully ML done, soon after the move towards ASP 2.0 has been made. And I also expect, that the authors of the current ML solutions will jump on the train or at least provide an upgrade solution for their modules.
* Edit: forgot to mention Nokiko's ML solution for skin objects.