I have used the Text/Html for image map code but only for setting alt text - I cants see why it shgouldnt work for anchors but how you work out what page id etc etc are I dont know
<MAP id=toptest name=toptest><AREA title="Koh Nangyuan" shape=POLY alt="Koh Nangyuan" coords=295,84,308,74,326,68,344,60,365,62,375,58,385,60,394,59,422,78,436,72,449,85,408,85,360,85,320,85,300,85><AREA shape=RECT alt=Sairee coords=450,82,518,88><AREA shape=CIRCLE alt="Mae Haad" coords=520,84,4><AREA shape=RECT alt="Sea for Scuba Divers" coords=1,86,242,99><AREA shape=RECT alt="Diving Boat" coords=243,81,264,99><AREA shape=RECT alt="Scooby Doo in the Sea " coords=265,86,637,99></MAP><IMG height=100 alt=sky src="/DotNetNuke/Portals/Phoenix/Skins/GR_Phoenix/images/top_01.gif" width=637 useMap=#toptest border=0>