DevoDog wrote
I also recently moved away from 1and1 for hosting....
I switched to webhost4life. I've been fairly happy with their support and the automated install of DNN runs like a charm (even if it's not the most recent version).
That's quite funny to me - I've just made the opposite switch, from WebHost4Life to 1and1
I found WebHost4Life just too slow to use (I'm based in the UK, as are the majority of people visiting my sites), and also they charge for each and every extra domain that you point to your account (extra domains are free if they're pointed to your root, but they conveniently install DNN into a subdirectory for you! Maybe I should have just installed it myself?). They also charge per domain to be able to use email.. Fine if you only have a couple, but as my domain name count grew and those charges started to add up, it was just getting too expensive. On the plus side, I found their technical support absolutely first class - fast and efficient.
So on the flip side, after switching to 1and1, I've found their pricing model more appropriate for my needs, but their technical support absolutely stinks. I got through to a guy called Jomar in the Phillipines, and it was a real struggle to communicate with him, and he just seemed clueless. I had to repeat myself lots of times and very slowly. He kept going quiet on the phone, even after I'd asked him direct questions - and just was impossible to deal with. He basically told me to research the problem on the internet and to find a script to run!!!
Anyhow, I'm about to try the procedures described in this thread, so I've got renewed hope now, but even if I get it working, I'm left wondering whether I want to stick with 1and1 - after all... If I have another problem, I'd hate to think that I might be depending on Jomar again to help me out!!!