I don’t know what you have done, but I’m using mixed mode authentication and in my case, I changed de Domain.vb in the Authentication.ADSI project.
The Private Sub PopulateChild as commented … some lines, because the attribute Domain.Password is now WriteOnly. So wath I found was that the error was rigth here, someone comment the code and perhaps as not tested…!!!
Resolution: The construtor receives the password, so i passed this password to a string in the constructor and use that strin in the Sub PopulateChild
Code Line: 128
If (Not Domain.Username Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not strPassword Is Nothing) Then
child = ADSI.Domain.GetDomain(entry.Path, Domain.Username, strPassword, Domain.AuthenticationType)
child = ADSI.Domain.GetDomain(entry.Path)
End If
mikeh wrote
I've got the fix updated for 4.3.7 and the code working so the synching works in both mixed mode and in authentication mode but I need people who can test the package for me. Either reply here with your email or email me directly at mhorton@telus.net