yairt wrote
{...} thus you need to create the procedure manually, in order to do that you have to reach the DB via some editor {...} and copy to it the SP syntax as it is written in the error message, then correct it (as I mention in my last post by adding the + signs) and execute the query.
This will create your missing SP and you will be able to keep on working with the help module (note that after that there is no need to reinstall the module).
That's just PERFECT yairt. It solves my problem. Sorry, I did not read completely and correctly your post, everything was clear.
So, for dummies like me, I summarize: open your database (any web interface provide a tool called new SQL query or equivalent), and just copy and paste the following code into this new sql query. It will create the adequate procedure (and no need to re-install anything, the help module just works !):
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[Help_SearchTutorials] @Search nvarchar(100) AS SELECT dbo.Help_Tutorials.TutorialGUID, dbo.Help_Tutorials.TutorialID, dbo.Help_Tutorials.Title, dbo.Help_Tutorials.ProductImage, dbo.Help_Tutorials.Featured, dbo.Help_Tutorials.KeyWords, dbo.Help_Tutorials.DownloadName, dbo.Help_Tutorials.ShortDesc, dbo.Help_Tutorials.Archive, dbo.Help_Tutorials.Description, 0 AS ViewOrder FROM dbo.Help_Tutorials WHERE (dbo.Help_Tutorials.Title LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%') OR (dbo.Help_Tutorials.KeyWords LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%') OR (dbo.Help_Tutorials.ShortDesc LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%') OR (dbo.Help_Tutorials.Description LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%')
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