Always wished you could save a complete workable copy of any of Your DNN portals to disc, well now You can this will save any version DNN portal to a browsable html copy with complte working menu system
This application will save a browsable html version of almost any dnn portal. The entire menu system and all internal links on the pages will be saved and the links will be rewritten to make it completely browsable
This includes the whole image directory structure so no images will be overwritten if you have a tab with multiple containers or a different skin for each page. (ideal for those business card cd's )
Apart from Solpart any other DNN Portal that uses a menu system that will render as general HTML will work as well. Unfortunately portals with the new DNNMENU will not work. This is because that menu doesn’t use normal html to render the menu but pure JavaScript without the full url.
Full testing has been done on small and bigger sites and all were successful. It’s possible to save a complete forum with al threads, a blog with all comments intact and more. (and still completely browsable)
This includes the popular custom modules like:
- the Ventrian article module ( including the JavaScript templates system )
- the Multilanguage modules of Apollo-software ( full Multilanguage sites can be saved. )
- Any other custom master detail module where links to the detail pages are rendered as full urls.
Callback links will not be followed, any link that is followed has to be to the full url
Armand Datema
Get my new skin ( lots of design variations [18 headers, 30 titlebars, 30 breadcrumbs, 3 footers ], 50+ typography containers , 50+ page templates and an online theme builder for unlimited skin variations) Aura>
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