The store module is incomplete and cannot be used on a production site with a significant amount of work (which I have done here...). The store module completely lacks any form of order fulfillment capabilities; there is no interface for an administrative user to even open an order to view it much less manage it's state (processing, packing, shipped, etc)... What there is of the store module code is exceptional (which contributes greatly to my frustration with this module!), but the module suffers from:
1) It's developers rarely if ever communicate the status of the project with the community. When they do, it is usually in the form of a response to some obscure thread on this forum. You have to be diligent to catch the thread to see that there is anybody working on it at all.
2) It's developers have their hands in too many pots to focus on the module: The store's core developer has at least major projects he is working on (here, here, and here). The lead developer does not answer email inquiries or other requests for status information.
3) The store module does not accept volunteers: I have repeatedly offered to work on the module, and haven't so much as received a polite refusal. If there is anybody working on the store module, they are working in secret behind closed doors.
4) The store's developers do not take frequent part of these forums. Refer to #1, an obscure response to a post, or an an equally obscure blog post about something unrelated to the development of the store module.
I am eagerly anticipating the next release of the store module which is supposed to ship with DNN 4.4. I would like to suggest that if this does not get released as promised, all members of the community take it to task to email the core team to have the store module team replaced with open, community oriented team members who will communicate on a regular basis and appropriately delegate work to qualified persons.
I hereby volunteer my services in any capacity for this module, and look forward to being called out to put my time where my mouth is.