I'm really new to website design in general as this is just becoming something I'm interested in.... I setup a website and managed to make a payment with Paypal. I thought I was all set but the return to merchant button from paypal didn't work. Not the end of the world, I thought I would be able to move forward. I then had my wife create a new account and try to make a purchase. Now the store module is crashing with the following error:
A critical error has occurred.
INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_Store_CartItems_Store_Cart'. The conflict occurred in database 'DB_######', table 'Store_Cart', column 'CartID'. The statement has been terminated.
I made the first purchase with my host account. I know I'll catch some crap for that but I figured that might have been why the button at paypal wouldn't allow me to return.
I'm no expert, but it seems like I'm going to need to do something to the SQL database to get things fixed. Any help would be appreciated. I need it to be pretty specific.
Also, from looking at some of the threads it seems like the problem with paypal not returning has been a problem for a while. I was hoping that the upcomming module release had already occured and perhaps fixed things and made them more feature rich.
Anyhow I'd like to go ahead and make the changes needed to make the store module work. Can someone step me through what I'm going to need to do to get my store module fixed and working with paypal?