Hi all,
I installed 4.4 on my test/dev site. I know there's been reference to a possible 30% speed increase, but wow - I'd say it was more than that! :-)
I did however note a few issues which I've submitted to the public Gemini portal for consideration by the team. It is possible that it's specific to my install, but I only did an upgrade from 4.3.7 to 4.4 with no special changes. None of those issues previously existed, and the upgrade was as straightforward as any previous ones..
I doubt they are showstoppers, but my reason for posting these is just to let people know in advance in case any of these do turn out to be bugs that cause issues for their site. After all, it seems that many upgrade their live portals without testing so it might save some pain :-)
1. CAPTCHA does not display
The CAPTCHA image does not display when enabled for registration. This was tested under IE 6, IE 7, Firefox 1.5, Firefox 2.0, and Opera 9. When using IE7 a red cross is shown, but under the others nothing is. Right clicking on the space in Firefox 2 and saying View Image displays binary text with a jfif header visible.
2. URL path error when ViewState is set to memory
When setting View State to in memory in Performance, errors regarding the length of URLs begin appearing in the logs. The error itself is "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters".
While I have only seen the error in the logs, I have seen that Mariette has the issue too (http://www.ventrian.com/Support/ProductForums/tabid/118/forumid/4/tpage/1/view/topic/postid/15912/Default.aspx#16158)
I don't know if this might be an issue with modules rather than the core, but it may be that the core could resolve or work around the issue.
3. Account Login module affects page title
I recently added the Account Login module to each page of my site. Under 4.3.7 the page title remained that set under the Tab Settings. Under 4.4, the page title is changed to "User Account" irrespective of the tab setting. Removing the Account Login module resolves the issue.
This is hardly a big issue - it's a nuisance for me, but then so was the cursor being active (so using bookmarks to go to a part of a page was overriden) - so I probably could lose the login box without it being a big deal :-)
While I'm sure that, if these are indeed bugs, these will not be the only bugs, I have to say that overall I'm pretty impressed. While I hope that these issues are fixed so I can upgrade my live site, it's very likely that most could upgrade without a problem.