I am working my way through getting some better results from Google for my site and one of the issues people have pointed out is that the renedered html of the site fails a number of HTML validation points.
At this point I am unsure if its a skin issue or core DNN and I am focused purely on default.aspx, so here goes.
1 - Error Line 4 column 10: there is no attribute "ID".
<HEAD id="Head">
Head tag should NOT contain an ID attribute.
2 - Error Line 20 column 12: there is no attribute "ID".
<style id="StylePlaceholder"></style>
Style tags should NOT contain an ID attribute. Why is this here anyway? there are plenty of
<asp:placeholder> tags around.
3 - Error Line 20 column 30: required attribute "TYPE" not specified.
<style id="StylePlaceholder"></style>
If the style tage MUST be there then it should have a type attribute.
4 - Error Line 21 column 12: value of attribute "ID" invalid: "_" cannot start a name. <LINK id="_DesktopModules_DnnForge___LatestArticles" rel="stylesheet" type="te
ID attribute must start with a letter, "_" is not a letter.
5 - Error Line 21 column 154: end tag for element "LINK" which is not open.
...e - LatestArticles/module.css"></LINK><LINK id="_Portals__default_" rel="styl
<link> tage DO NOT have closing tags http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/links.html#edef-LINK
6 - Error Line 23 column 30: required attribute "TYPE" not specified.
<script src="/js/dnncore.js"></script>
Script tags must have a type attribute, ie type="text/javascript"
Thats about it for the moment. I could probably fix these myself, but then when I upgrade to the next version i will have the same problem.
Any help appreciated.