Mitchel, thanks for the hint on AutoUpgrade, I have adjusted it in my web.config. Hopefully, it will prevent this error from happening in the future.
Looks like a bug in DotNetNuke, though a hard to reproduce one. I think this is a critical problem, however rare it might be, the consequences are quite serious to ignore it. Maybe someone from core team could comment on this?
Here are some more details:
- in my case it was happening on production machines, where there was no development or debugging done (unlike jascht's case who observed it after crash in debuggers)
- the changes in web.config are:
1) new key appeared in <appSettings>: <add key="InstallationDate" value="6/7/2007" />
2) in <system.web> / <machineKey> -- changed values of the validationKey and decryptionKey attributes.
- a new folder appeared: Config\Backup_2007671850\ (I guess the number after backup is year/month/day/hour/minute), this folder contains two files: web_.config and web_old.config (respectively, current and previous versions of web.config), the owner of the folder and the files is NETWORK SERVICE, so I assume it was created by DotNetNuke.
So it looks like the normal procedure but triggered under wrong circumstances. I don't know how it is implemented in the core, but maybe the DNN starts installation process when it cannot connect to database, which might be just a transient error and happen due high load on database? Should there be some proof from such situations? E.g. automatically turning off the AutoUpgrade after successful intial installation?