Maybee its a feature made for module developers but availible for all host users. Most host users are not module developer. A regular host user do not make modules but install and uninstall modules.
As the new standard puts the module package in INSTALL folder its rather easy to think that it should work to install it too.
What this have to do with new features I dont understand, I have almost all modules in Net.2.0 and testing in 3, so thats not my issue. Ive just realized that this function didnt work as a regular host user would expect and this in a customer case. You cant read everything with your own eyes you must try to put yourself in a regular users chair.
If you dont see any cases that this function are useful for regular host users I could give you some cases but I am sure you see those too if you think a minute or two.
So in my opinion a text telling which modules it works for plus information telling the status of the module regarding this shoud be the optimal solution.
And maybee INSTALL folder isnt the right place to put it if it just for module developer. I dindt know there was a new installer in plan so lets hope this installer have this in mind.
And still I cant understand your Copyright fraud issue. Im rather good In Copyrigh issues too by the way.
Anyway I have done my job letting you know now I cant do more. I know how it works so I am not getting any trubble.