At this point, I have done 3 fresh installs - all have had the same outcome -
DNN installation notes:
#1. cleared domain off server - reinstalled domain with ASP.NET 2.0.50727
#2. unnzipped to the root folder (httpdocs)
#3. created fresh/new SQL database for the site
#4. Gave both NETWORK SERVICE & [server]\ASPNET full control of root and all child folders in the domain
#5. Made the recommended changes to the default web.config file
#6. Adjusted passwords for SuperUser and Administrator to match up with ASPMembership standards.
I end up with the install breaking very early on - being unable to 'access' a non-existent path and file - then saying it cannot access the root folder web.config because the httpdocs\Config\Backup_200943426\web_.config cannot be found (and it cannot, because it does not exist).
I don't know - I've followed the documentation as best I can; but something is missing in the instructions or perhaps DNN doesn't like some peculiarity of my server's setup, In any event, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.
Based on what happens (the backup_2009????? folder name increments when you repost to URL after a couple minutes, I'm thinking that DNN must be trying to create this backup_2009????? folder make a copy of web.config called web_.config for whatever reason, as an initial step in the installation process. I even created the folder name and placed a copy of web.config renamed web_.config in the folder and it still says access denied. I check the folder security and both network service and server\aspnet have full control.