You mention of "My webhost recently 'upgraded' the hardware for our DNN web server" and DNN version 4.9.x brought to mind the first time I had ever encountered the infinite redirect issue when moving several of my older development sites from Windows XP/IIS 6 to Windows 7/IIS 7.5 this evening. There seems to be a problem in DNN 4.9.x when loading the System.Web.Extensions dll version 1.0.6xxxxx.0 under medium trust when System.Web.Extensions dll version has been installed in the global assembly cache (GAC). In fact, there is an intentional redirect back to the base url whenever an exception is thrown containing the phrase "System.Web.Extensions".
Let's try the following:
1. Make a backup of your site's web.config file. VERY IMPORTANT incase this does not work!
2. Search for ALL occurances of the following reference in web.config:
System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0
and replace it with the following:
System.Web.Extensions, Version=
3. Be sure that you have replaced ALL of the above references then re-save/re-upload the modified web.config back to the site's root folder.
4. Remove the file System.Web.Extensions.dll from your site's \bin folder to a temporary location.
5. Navigate to the site and test if the issue has been resolved.
6. If the issue was not resolved, revert to your web.config backup and restore the System.Web.Extensions.dll to the \bin folder.
7. If the issue was resolved, don't thank me - thank the author of these two blog posts which resolved my issue and hopefully yours: