smsolutions wrote
Ahhh, I see. Thank you for clearing that up.
But, with all due respect, why isn't this - clearly - documented? The latest install is 4.3.7, the latest docs, although they say 4.3.7 link to 4.3.1. I can't possibly be the only person who has hit their head against a wall with this. This is rather disappointing.
- Mark
1) d there have been numerous post on the forums about SQLExpress
2) We cannot document all the possible scenerios that a user might come across. The main problem that we had here was that you tried to use the "Initial Catalog" instead of the "Database" attribute. I am not sure SQLExpress does not support the Initial Catalog setting (based on other forums post I have read). In the core web.config files sent in the package neither of the 2 sample connectionStrings use Initial Catalog.
-- Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;
-- Server=(local);Database=DotNetNuke;uid=;pwd=;
If you had simply used the 2nd connectionString and put in your Database name, UID and PWD you would have been up and running without any issues. The only other thing you might have had to change is (local) to ./SQLExpress (or whatever you names your SQL instance).
Again, we do try to document as much as possible but we can only do so much and when we see something that is causing problems we try to resolve the issue and blog about it. The blog I did on using SQL Express / SQL Managements Studio is a good example of that and I spent a good part of day testing different scenerios so that a completed solution could be posted (based on the number of community members that were having similar problems).
We can do a better job of documenting, but compared to some other open-source projects we do a pretty decent job. On the other hand, the forums / blogs are a way to document things so please use them as much as possible when looking for help.