48394839 wroteThanks waldis, that worked.
Do you know what all color codes are or where I can get them?
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
The hex numbers used to represent colors in CSS are 3 pairs corresponding to Red Green and Blue. For example:
would be the same as RGB(15,16,14). Hex is used because the colors are calculated at 8 bits per colour and using hex makes the math a bit simpler than going from 00 to ff, rather than from 0 to 256. If you'd rather stick to good ol' base 10, CSS has a function rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb) where rrr, ggg, bbb represents a number from 0 to 256. You can also use percentage values as arguments too, so long as you specify the values with the % type modifier.
Two decent color charts are here:
although color charts like this are all over the web. Here are some other decent intros to color:
- has a "decoder ring" for decimal to hex :-)
- ever-venerable wikipedia
And because I'm a web-color idiot, here are some helper sites I've found useful:
- I like this one, give a nice coordinated palette of colours
- another scheme generator
- and another