I have used dot netnuke for a Univeristy project and I have to write a report about it. Can some one pelase help by answering the following questions I would really appreciated it.
1. Where are all the installed modules stored on the database and how can I view all the tabels of the dotnetnuke database?
2. When adding a module e.g. an annoucments a forum or a news page module, where is the data stored and how do the modules work? (When a user adds an anncoument where is that annocument stored in the database , in which entity, and how will I be able to show the stored data to my tutor?)
3. I need to do a dataflow diagram and a logical data diagram(to show the database enteties and their relationships) I need to know how where data is stored first and view it.
Finally when i installed dotnetnuke, I did not create a database myself I guess this is done in the installation process does dotnetnuke use database.mdf sto store data?
Many thanks to all of you,