These are very good questions as far as I'm concerned.
To make a page only visible to someon who is signed in... When you create a new page, you can set the "View" permission in a tick-box. Set that to Registered Users and people will need to sign in to view that page and whatever content you place on it. I fyou linked to that page from another, visible page, they will be directed to the log-in first. In older DNN's that was where they were then left, but now they should be taken to where they wanted to go after logging in.
Those two roles can be used for setting permissions on pages and modules, but seeing as all users are registered users, you should also create some new roles that you might then assign to just some users, not all. For example, you might have a role called "Video Uploader" and ether manually or automatically assign that role to new users. Then you also need to set your video module to allow that role to upload items.
Another case would be to have a Forum User role and auto-assign it to everyone who registers. If you want to stop someone from posting to the forum you would remove them from that role. Another case is to create a moderator role. You then manually give that role to people you want as moderators in your forum, or possibly as moderators for your video module if that allows moderation of uploads.
All of this means that you need to think about creating the standard roles for all possible future users right from the start. Here is the basic list of roles that I now use for any portal... in descending order of 'power'.
- Host
- Admin
- Page Editor - page edit permission
- Content Editor - module edit permission
- Moderator - certain modules allow this role
- Contributer - some modules have a basic 'submitter' or 'uploader' role that is then moderated.
- Forum User - can post in the forum
- Subscriber - receives newsletters or other notifications
- Registered User - anyone registered on the site
Host and Admin are my roles as the webmaster and designer. The client gets whatever is needed from there on down.
Hope that helps,