Hi there,
I'm trying to figure out how to customize the mail to the adminstrator when a new user registers and fill in some custom fields I've added. It seems like the data is not available in the profile and the mail never sends the data. Here's whay I've done so far.
I added 2 new fields as [Title] and [Organization] into the user profile.
In the admin\Users\App_LocalResources\Profile.ascx.resx file, I've added a couple of new lines for the data as:
<data name="ProfileProperties_Title.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ProfileProperties_Organization.Text" xml:space="preserve">
In the App_GlobalResources\GlobalResources.resx, i've added:
<data name="EMAIL_USER_REGISTRATION_ADMINISTRATOR_BODY.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Date: [Date:Current]
First Name: [Profile:FirstName]
Last Name: [Profile:LastName]
Title: [Profile:Title]
Oranization: [Organization]
Unit: [Profile:Unit]
Street: [Profile:Street]
City: [Profile:City]
Region: [Profile:Region]
Country: [Profile:Country]
Postal Code: [Profile:PostalCode]
Telephone: [Profile:Telephone]
Email: [User:Email]
The email I am getting is:
First Name: test
Last Name: user
Title: [Profile:Title] <------not picking up the data
Oranization: [Organization] <------not picking up the data
Street: 120 somewhere
City: Bigsmoke
Country: Canada
Postal Code: l1g5p9
Telephone: 123 123-1234
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on this? Perhaps I need to be loking at and modifying source code to make this happen?
Thanks in advance for any help!