This fix doesnt appear to work on all admin settings. As such i think there is still a bug here!
I have my
Admin/user Accounts/User settings:
Redirect After Login :Home
Redirect After Logout::Home
Redirect After Registration:Home
And in my
Admin/site settings/advanced settings:
Your Control Panel (which is my own page for user fuctions).
I have applied the fix and changed line 142 from:
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL(PortalSettings.UserTabId,"returnurl=" & ReturnUrl), True)
to This
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL(PortalSettings.UserTabId, "", "returnurl=" & ReturnUrl), True)
Now when i click the register link created by user.ascx they just go to the home page. Ok its behavoiur has changed in terms of the page now doesnt just load an empty container, but it still doesnt work. Meaning noby will be able to register.
Oh dear, shall i log this one
Thanks for your pateince