flanakin wrote
I say give it a try. It should be pretty simple. If you have any problems, just check out some of the simpler modules to get an idea of things you might need to do for basic module support.
What you are saying makes sense, but I'm a nubie. I can edit the ascx file, but thats where it all ends. No idea how to pack it and upload it..I took a quick glance at the module dev's tutorial, but it's all Visual Studio stuff, which is out of my ballpark for now..
Anyway, I edited the manageusers to hide the delete and roles buttons, like this (simply commented them out);
<asp:linkbutton class="CommandButton" id="cmdUpdate" resourcekey="cmdUpdate" runat="server" text="Update"></asp:linkbutton>
<asp:linkbutton class="CommandButton" id="cmdUnlock" resourcekey="cmdUnlock" runat="server" text="Unlock Account"
CausesValidation="False" Visible="False"></asp:linkbutton>
<asp:linkbutton class="CommandButton" id="cmdCancel" resourcekey="cmdCancel" runat="server" text="Cancel"
causesvalidation="False" borderstyle="none"></asp:linkbutton>
<%-- <asp:linkbutton class="CommandButton" id="cmdDelete" resourcekey="cmdDelete" runat="server" text="Delete"
causesvalidation="False"></asp:linkbutton> --%>
<%-- <asp:linkbutton class="CommandButton" id="cmdManage" resourcekey="cmdManage" runat="server" text="Manage Security Roles"
causesvalidation="False"></asp:linkbutton> --%>
Is that the right track? And can you give me pointers on how to install this "module" now?
Thanks again!