I can tell that you have replied, but I cannot yet tell what you have replied. (One of the current bugs in the Forums Module.) So, in anticipation of your answer, here is a query that will reset those values, and you can run it in the same place.
UPDATE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Portals SET HomeTabId = NULL, LoginTabId = NULL, UserTabId = NULL, SplashTabId = NULL WHERE PortalId = [put the id number of the portal you want to update here]
Remember to replace the last portion with the correct PortalId (the first field in the table). For instance, if the portal id you want to change is zero (0), this is what your query will look like.
UPDATE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Portals SET HomeTabId = NULL, LoginTabId = NULL, UserTabId = NULL, SplashTabId = NULL WHERE PortalId = 0
Following the query execution above, you will need to clear the cache for the site. The easiest way for you will likely be to click the Restart Application link at the bottom of the Host Settings page.
If your values are all already Null, then I am not sure how to proceed at this point.