OK, what you should be able to do is copy the entire code, go to vendors and paste this complete code into your text / script section of vendors, from there up the top dial up banner type as script, then name the banner group to anything you want say AFFILIATE.
save the banner then re open it and if all is well you will see your affiliate link including image and or text depending on what you have chosen.
Now go to the page you wish to display the affiliate ad on and select banner from your modules, place the banner module on the page where you want then in edit mode type in AFFILIATE in the group name section and alter any other setting to suit and save.
this will display your banner. To keep in mind the banner rotator is probably only needed if you plan to run more than one ad in the same place, ie you load more examples in vendors and name them AFFILIATE as well.
For some thing like a single ad placement that you do not wish to rotate, just use a txt/html module on your page, create a table and then in edit mode for that table place the copied script into the table. this will display in the same way as the bannner.
With the code you mentioned, if you want to break it down the section after href is the part you need to copy, and use this as a link to a picture and or text you may create, but please test your hit counter is working when doing this as all are slightly different.