Hi Cathal,
That link was an interesting read. Sorry it's taken me so long to report back the results.
In any event, I tried your suggestion. As I had never run the DNN source in VS2005 before, it took me awhile to get my machine configged to run it. When I stepped into it, before commenting that block out as suggested, I discovered that my cookies weren't showing in the request collection.
Turns out I was suffering from Cranial Rectumitis "s*** for brains"! In my HTML version, I was calling one of my javascript functions to initialize the list boxes and make the appropriate webservices calls in the page onload event.
Once I realized I was not calling this function on the page onload event of default.aspx, I tried calling it there. Ran into a little problem when trying to do so. As the page is set to runat server, .Net complained that the function was null.
Long story short is I am now calling it in the DNNCore.js file in the __dnn_Page_OnLoad() function. This did the trick.
Turns out it was a "cockpit error" rather than DNN. Good exercise though as I now know how to debug DNN at runtime in VS05!
You have given me a reason to pull back the covers so to speak and have learned alot.
My sincere thanks to you!