First, I want to thank the DNN team and this strong community for helping to develop and provide such a great, versatile tool!
Now, the problem ;-)
I am a Google AdWords publisher and would like to use a Google Custom Search Engine for my internal searches. Motivation here should be obvious - I'm trying to make a little extra cash on ad clicks, and if those are generated on the search results page in addition to my existing AdSense blocks, then so much the better. Hey, maybe I could even afford to buy some of these nifty modules!
So. DNN has this great lil internal search engine that provides site search, and also a radoi button option to search the web using google. Two problems:
1) The web-wide search results open in a popup window. Since both the major browsers now block popup windows by default, this presents a problem - I honestly thought the thing was broken in Firefox until I tried it in IE and got the more obvious notification of a blocked popup.
2) Rather than containing web-wide results in my site, I'm pushed out to a more-or-less 'standard' Google search results page. I would much prefer whenever possible to keep eyes and clicks on my pages (even if that's "my page surrounding a Google CSE IFrame).
What I'd like to do is modify the search functionality so that it queries my designated results page, rather than Google.Com, and displays those results within my framework.
Problem is, I haven't the foggiest clue as to where I'd start - I can't even find a target page to send the search query to, let alone confidently tracking down the search code and modifying it to fit my needs.
Would appreciate any available help with this...and please be gentle, I'm just moving in to ASP.Net development after many years as an ASP developer, and I definitely don't have my head around all the inner workings of things yet.
Many thanks!
John Henry