swillhite (mrswoop) wrote
This is actually WAY simpler than most folks want to try and make it. I'll try to stick with your example, you'll be pleasantly surprised by how easy this is.
Setting the stage:
You have a machine which houses IIS. That machine recieves HTTP requests from some list of IP addresses ( which includes 123.45.678.90, 123.45.678.91 ) through the network. So far, so good.
You have a website set up in IIS which has an association with a set of IP addresses. For the purposes of this example, lets say that the site is only associated with 123.45.678.90. You have DNN installed in that website. We will assume that the IP association is a wildcard, that is that in the configuration... the site is set to answer all requests to the IP address 123.45.678.90. I point that out because some hosts actually include your url in the association which would prohibit it from answering other url's without another entry specific for it.
Sorry to jump in on this post but I just wish to clarify some things, is it really this simple?
To create a parent portal or child portal which will use the same database as the main host all I need to do is this:
- Assuming that I already have my DNN site already set up under: mysite.com
- Go into my IIS and create *.mysite.com
- this will consequently create a * within my DNN root file system.
- under my Super User account go into >> host >> portals >> create child portal
- mysite.com/mychild if I have not yet registered mychild domain name
- Or into >> host >> portals >> create parent portal
- parent1.mysite.com if I have not yet registered parent1 domain name
- parent2.com.mysite.com if I have registered parent2.com domain name and the DNS is pointing to my server
Assuming I have set up the * which is now located in my DNN folder and I have created parents or child portals.
My next step is to create an alias in ths site settings.
swillhite (mrswoop) wrote
Getting URL's to the DNN site:
Simply set the DNS associated with the URL to point to 123.45.678.90. This can be done for any number of sites. In practice, I usually set three A records ( www.domain1.com, domain1.com and *.domain1.com ). This provides for the ability to add cname sites ( instead of child sites ) using the format "cname.domain1.com".
Getting the URL's to a specific portal is simply a matter of setting the appropriate Portal Alias's in the Site Settings ( under a Super User account ).
That is all there is to it. You can associate multiple IP addresses if you wish, but there is no requirment to do so. Once you understand these basic mechanics, you can figure out how to tweak your environment the way you want it, everyone does something a little different.
To add an alias with an extension can this only be done if the parent is a registered domain name which is pointing to my server?
- parent2.com (a registered domain name) to do this I need to create a link
- <a href="http//www.parent2.com">parent2.com</a> point this to my server. Then when www.parent2.com is typed into the address bar.
- Parent2.com will display?
But if the parent is not a registered domain name, what is the format to create this alias?
- parent1 (a non registered domain name)
- <a href ="http//www.parent1.mysite.com>parent1.com</a>
- If somebody typed www.parent1.com into the address bar will it go to parent1 web site?
- But if somebody else has registered that domain name what then?
To assign a child alias:
- mychild (a non registered domain name)
- <a href ="http//www.mysite.com.mychild>mychild.com</a>
- or should it be like this:
- <a href ="http//www.mysite.com.mychild>mychild</a>
- Or to register several child sites I would do this: Create a wildcard
- <a href ="http//www.mysite.com.*>mychild1</a>
- So can then have:
- mychild, mychild1, mychild2
- Or do I need to set up an alias for each child?
- Can I include extensions on the child sites?
- <a href ....>whatever is HERE </a> is the assigned URL for the name
Or to reach a child site the URL is:
To reach a parent site the URL is:
What part of the above is not correct.Or is the above way off?