lgoodon wrote
Anywho.. I've just started a revamp of both the modules to work with new DNN 4.5 controls. The new roster module will pull real time stats from the WorldofWarcraft.com armory, and the raid calendar will have better DKP tracking. I should have everything switched over within a month. I'll keep ya posted on my progress.. maybe when I get some beta modules up you guys culd help me test them.. !?!
If you have interest, I would even be willing to collaborate on the code. I have a lot of really cool code in the calendar code and would love to collaborate a bit with someone, if you're game.
The roster code I wrote last year is similiar, we wrote a custom UI Mod ('Guild Manager') that would iterate through the roster and generate an LUA, which would capture ranks and officer/player notes. The goal was to allow roster administration from the web page (linking it to the DNN user and allowing us to link up their application and ensure the DNN roles are in synch with the in-game ranks). I had started allowing multiple guilds (because we hover at around 480 chars in guild, so we have an alt-guild), but didn't finish the code. I am also thinking of synching with the armory, but my goal there is to run a scheduled event to synch every hour and retain the data in my database...which allows for us to see who is prior guild members and allow notes to be attached. The hope is to also tie recipes/patterns into the roster.
For the calendar, I am quite proud of the code. DKP would be interesting, but our guild uses Suicide Kings for our loot distribution system. But it supports multiple calendars, sign up control (sign up, sign up as alt), and also links back to the roster so that it will only display the characters linked to the DNN user (or allow for free-text if no characters are registered). Also some decent auditing capabilities. What's left for me is to put in the class/level limits and the auto-processor (scheduler that would run every minute) to prevent people from getting into synchronization issues when they sign up at once (when we were doing MC before BC, we would potentially have 40-mans fill up within 5 minutes of it opening). And the goal here is also to use RSS to allow synchronization across sites (for those guilds we have an alliance with) as well as with GEM for in-game sign-ups. But, again, this is something that I can give you some additional access to take a look at if you're curious.
(I just got tired of writing all the code by myself...and wanted to play too ;) )