If you have so many years of programming experience, why not make your own web based solutions that can take your ascx skinslet cleitn modify some thigns and resave as ascx file sto give them skin editing freedom
About your queston regardig adding css or js to the head you cna simply do that in a server side code block or write a skinobject that does it, you can use a free module that will handle this for you as well
if you want to do in skinobject or serverside code block
'Find the placeholder control
Dim objCSS As Control = Page.FindControl("CSS")
If Not objCSS Is Nothing Then
'First see if we have already added the <LINK> control
Dim objCtrl As Control = Page.Header.FindControl(ID)
If objCtrl Is Nothing Then
Dim skinpath As String = String.Empty
skinpath = CType(Me.Parent, Skin).SkinPath
Dim objLink As New HtmlLink()
objLink.Attributes("rel") = "stylesheet"
objLink.Attributes("type") = "text/css"
objLink.Href = skinpath + "mycssfile.css"
objCSSControls.AddAt(-1, objLink)
End If
-- for a script you could do something like
Dim strScript = "<script src='{0}' type='text/javascript'></script>"
Dim objLiteral As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal()
Dim skinpath As String = CType(Me.Parent, Skin).SkinPath
Dim strInput As String = String.Format(strScript, skinpath + Script)
End Select
objLiteral.Text = strInput
objCSS.Controls.AddAt(-1, objLiteral)
Armand Datema
Get my new skin ( lots of design variations [18 headers, 30 titlebars, 30 breadcrumbs, 3 footers ], 50+ typography containers , 50+ page templates and an online theme builder for unlimited skin variations) Aura>
For all your skin conversions
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