I can't figure out how to edit posts... so I'm just going to post another for this.
I've written a few of new views that can be used for this now. Since modules are able to use their own views, I assume this will work the best
In total, I wrote three views that allow me to content on my website. Unfortunately, I didn't utilize the resources in place by DNN to use their search Relevance logic.
View 1: vw_SearchItemsByTabID
SELECT dbo.ContentItems.TabID, dbo.SearchItem.Description AS [Content]
FROM dbo.ContentItems INNER JOIN
dbo.SearchItem ON dbo.ContentItems.ModuleID = dbo.SearchItem.ModuleId
View 2: vw_TabsWithDetailsAndSearchableContent
(Because of the XML Path and Stuff functions, this one does not validate well within a Query Designer, but it works if you ignore errors and execute.)
SELECT dbo.Tabs.TabName, dbo.Tabs.TabID, dbo.Tabs.TabPath, dbo.Tabs.Description, dbo.Tabs.KeyWords, dbo.Tabs.DisableLink, dbo.Tabs.IsDeleted, dbo.Tabs.PortalID, dbo.Tabs.StartDate,
dbo.Tabs.EndDate, dbo.Tabs.IsSecure, dbo.Tabs.IsVisible, dbo.Tabs.Title, dbo.Tabs.ParentId, dbo.TabPermission.RoleID, dbo.TabPermission.AllowAccess, dbo.TabPermission.PermissionID, (Stuff((SELECT CAST([Content] As Nvarchar(max)) FROM [vw_SearchItemsByTabID] WHERE [vw_SearchItemsByTabID].TabID = tabs.TabID FOR XML PATH('')),1,0,'')) AS TabContent
dbo.TabPermission ON dbo.Tabs.TabID = dbo.TabPermission.TabID
View 3: vw_PublicTabsWithSearchableContent
(This one uses some flags built into DNN to only show publicly visible pages. Really, the biggest thing is the AllowAccess, RoleID, and PermissionID fields.)
SELECT TabID, PortalID, TabPath, TabName, Title, KeyWords, Description, TabContent,
FROM dbo.vw_TabsWithDetailsAndSearchableContent
WHERE (DisableLink = 0) AND (IsDeleted = 0) AND (StartDate >= GETDATE()) AND (EndDate <= GETDATE()) AND (IsSecure = 0) AND (IsVisible = 1) AND (AllowAccess = 1) AND
(RoleID = - 1) AND (PermissionID = 3) OR
(DisableLink = 0) AND (IsDeleted = 0) AND (StartDate IS NULL) AND (EndDate IS NULL) AND (IsSecure = 0) AND (IsVisible = 1) AND (AllowAccess = 1) AND (RoleID = - 1)
AND (PermissionID = 3)
This is mostly a bunch of guess work on my behalf, so I will not claim that this works for everyone or is a viable solution for all situations. It does work for me, though, and I hope it can at least help someone get on a good track for their own needs.