Hi Guys,
I'm trying to get my menu looking hot and I'm struggling with a a couple of points.
Firstly, the page that I'm working on is: http://tpis.anna-and-dale.com/SearchResults/tabid/37/Default.aspx?Search=london (No other pages on the site have the menu setup this way yet).
Problem: The arrow (or space for the arrow) on the right hand side of the drop down menus is not changing colour when selected. Or more accurately it is changing colour but its not changing to non-transparent.
Now I think I partly understand what is going on, the selected menu item style I think applys to the row and if you set the cell background colour then the row doesn't seem to be able to override it. In this case if I want the arrow space to be transparent when not selected I have to set the '-moz-opacity' style which is then not overridden when the selected style is applied to the row.
I might also be talking rubbish - anyway if anyone can assist me getting the menus finished I'd be very grateful.
1) I'd like to get the whole child menu transparent when not selected and I'd like to get the whole row consistant when it is selected.
2) There seems to be a couple of 1px problems when selecting something for the first time - I've tried playing with the borders but only managed to make it worse.
Any help much appreciated.