Hi All,
I am a newbie round these parts and just researching everything, finding my feet and thought I would get straight to work and do a forum search on all things 'Accessibility' due to starting the development of our companies website in a couple of weeks time.
I would like to ask a question and maybe put forward a possible enhancement to the program you are mentioning above, having just reviewed it with anticipation due to the whole focus of our under development website and its target marker audience but firstly let me just mention a little below about who we are and all will become clear.
Accessibility Finder Ltd 'The AccessFinder' is providing a central interactive On-line Building & Venue Accessibility Search and Mapping Solution, which identifies organisations, which deliver high standards of delivering access to their amenities for potential disabled customers and employees. This project has received the valuable input from the British Standards Institution (BSI), International Standards Organisation (ISO) and the Handicapped Institute in Sweden amongst other organisations. A list of all affiliates and Strategic Alliance Partners is contained within but we are constantly striving to bring more on board as the business model evolves. The Company intends to be the 'Primary Accessibility Platform for the Disabled and Associated Businesses' along with the carers, family and friends of disabled persons, the elderly and temporarily incapacitated persons, gaining access to important and useful information that will be available through www.theaccessfinder.com, which is presently in development stages and just a basic demonstration site at present.
I have never really looked in to the more scalable side of web developing before to be honest until very recently, it has always scared the living day lights out of me as a purely self taught kind of fellow. I previously have just setup a few what you all may see as standard websites, with html, php and starting to utilise CSS a lot more but the time had come to stop messing with the likes of business link, DTI and so on.
Now with the above program that Nina has produced, it is wonderful from what I can tell of it. However I know that a feature I will be wanting to offer our website members once we launch it, will be to not just alter the text size, or site widths but and here is my thought on if my requirement could be added to the program;
We would like to offer the users the ability to change site background and text colour, obviously having our original site wide scheme once we settle on this (Probably a fuse of blue and white to be safe) but for example to offer Black Text on Yellow Background, Yellow Text on Black Background, White Text on Black Background. This is because we know that a fair percentage of our target market audience will and may experience such challenges as being visually imparied, dyslexic etc and to offer these extra facilities to a user would be really great news all round.
So there it is, would this be something you could foresee including without any massive headaches in your program Nina? OR am I correct in thinking that for me to achieve the extra above features we need, I can just link different CSS styles to a control panel next to 'Alter Text Size' with 'Original - Black on Yellow - Yellow on Black' and so on. Then when a user selects any of these links, it automatically would change their page background colour and text colour to their prefference?
I look forward to hearing from you soon and keep up the good work.