Actually, I figured out what the issue was. In the admin\ModuleDefinitions\EditModuleDefinition.ascx.vb file the following line is not working correctly:
Public ReadOnly Property ModuleActions() As ModuleActionCollection Implements Entities.Modules.IActionable.ModuleActions
Dim objDesktopModules As New DesktopModuleController
Dim mid As Integer
If Not (Request.QueryString("desktopmoduleid") Is Nothing) Then
mid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString("desktopmoduleid"))
mid = Null.NullInteger
End If
Dim objDesktopModule As DesktopModuleInfo = objDesktopModules.GetDesktopModule(mid)
Dim Actions As New ModuleActionCollection
'If (Not objDesktopModule Is Nothing) AndAlso Request.IsLocal Then
I changed the line to:
If (Not objDesktopModule Is Nothing) Then
If Not objDesktopModule.IsAdmin Then
'Create the DirectoryInfo object for the folder
Dim folder As New DirectoryInfo(Common.Globals.ApplicationMapPath & "\DesktopModules\" & objDesktopModule.FolderName)
If folder.Exists Then
Actions.Add(GetNextActionID, Services.Localization.Localization.GetString("PrivateAssemblyCreate.Action", LocalResourceFile), ModuleActionType.AddContent, "", "", EditUrl("desktopmoduleid", mid.ToString, "package"), False, SecurityAccessLevel.Host, True, False)
End If
End If
End If
Return Actions
End Get
End Property
Once I made that change, the Create Module Package link showed up correctly when you are on the Edit Module Definition Page.