Let me preframe by stating that I am happy and loyal dnn user. :-) I value and admire the work by all who contribute to this fatastic project.
I Always find reading these and others forums interesting from the point of communication and how it occurs. Besides being a professional developer I also work in peak performance. Having made many mistakes myself in the past I am very aware that you "can not not communicate".
So I'd like to share a perspective if I may. Let me use a parallel analogy for an example.
Let’s say that DNN was an airline. It offers first class seats (at a benefactor premium) and free seats to all other passengers.
Now and again the flight gets delayed due to bad weather, technical issues or some other unforeseen phenomenon.
Some clients may be just taking the one flight, some maybe taking the flight as a connection for another flight and some are flying for the first time and are feeling a little unsure or anxious.
Could you imagine how the passengers would feel if they didn't know what time their estimated departure was at? What if they had to make alternative arrangements elsewhere? Certainty is a fundamental need that we wish to satisfy.
For those of you who fly, you know how useful it is to be kept up to date with regular communication from an airline representative on the status of the departure when it’s delayed. The airline doesn't choose to not communicate with you if you are an economy passenger. There would be out right war and bad publicity if this kind of discrimination was to occur.
They communicate with "all" classes of passenger. Why? Because it reduces any instance of unrest and disharmony. It also shows that the airline is doing its best; in general passengers relax and await the departure.
There is usually a central point of communication. Either the details are listed on the departure board or there is a desk to go to ask questions. No matter which the airline does its best to keep the passengers informed.
How would you feel if the airline rep said to you: "Sorry we can’t tell you because we are focused on loading the baggage onto the plane or fuelling or running safety checks. It will be ready when it’s ready, now go sit down and wait"?
In the airline business they have to make sure everything is in place, technical and safety checks are conducted etc before they give the go ahead. There is still an estimated time of departure and this is displayed for all to see.
Information is information and is easy to deliver. The challenge is with how we create it, prioritise it and deliver it.
The "It will be ready when its ready" actually translates as "I don't have a clue myself, I'm not going to let you know that I don't know, so go away and don't be annoying me!"
In regard to this community I see that there are many options for communication and it’s up to all of use to close the gap where it might be missing.
Some options include:
1). Do nothing at all and continue with the way information is delivered.
2). Create a release thread under general announcements for delivery date specifics. No need for detailed info. Just "ETD" or "Delayed until". It only takes a few seconds to post or update.
3). Create a module post in the right hand pane on the downloads page titled i.e. "Release Roadmap" with just a ETD Date or Delayed date etc.
I'm sure there are other ways to if we "work together".
In summary if takes less effort to inform than it does to continually responding to threads that ask the same question. If you tell me that something like this can't be done, then your not the right person to be talking to.
All comments welcome. Especially those that focus on solutions and strategies for all of us to succeed!