Is someone submitting a bug report on this? I have another issue that is related to this. The logoff page does not redirect you to the home page properly because the logic in the following code in the AuthenticationController.vb file has some logic issues. The issue is that if I login, then go to say an About Us page that has all user access, and then log off while on the About Us page, it will stay at that page and not redirect me to the redirect page I set in the user settings page (under the admin/user authentication section). I don't think this is expected behavior. A quick workaround that doesn't require recompiling this module is to make all pages with "All Users" to be marked with Unathenticated User and Registered Users instead of All Users. Otherwise a more permanant fix is to change the code in the module. I have identified the offending line of code.
Public Shared Function GetLogoffRedirectURL(ByVal settings As PortalSettings, ByVal request As HttpRequest) As String
Dim _RedirectURL As String = ""
' check if anonymous users have access to the current page
If settings.ActiveTab.AuthorizedRoles.IndexOf(";" & glbRoleAllUsersName & ";") <> -1 Then
' redirect to current page
_RedirectURL = NavigateURL(settings.ActiveTab.TabID)
Else ' redirect to a different page
Dim setting As Object = UserModuleBase.GetSetting(settings.PortalId, "Redirect_AfterLogout")
If CType(setting, Integer) = Null.NullInteger Then
If settings.HomeTabId <> -1 Then
' redirect to portal home page specified
_RedirectURL = NavigateURL(settings.HomeTabId)
Else ' redirect to default portal root
_RedirectURL = GetPortalDomainName(settings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias, request) & "/" & glbDefaultPage
End If
Else ' redirect to after logout page
_RedirectURL = NavigateURL(CType(setting, Integer))
End If
End If
Return _RedirectURL
End Function